The Oxford Dictionary defines inspiration as: the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
Pablo Picasso famously said: ‘Good artists copy, great artists steal.’ This phrase became popular again in 1996, when the late Steve Jobs repeated it in a PBS documentary called Triumph of the Nerds. In that interview, Jobs went on to say:‘We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.’
Inspirational artists such as :Jeff Koons, Pierre Huyghe, Xu Zhen. I always find their approach to art intersting and creative.
“The wish to travel seems to me characteristically human: the desire to move, to satisfy your curiosity or ease your fears, to change the circumstances of your life, to be a stranger, to make a friend, to experience an exotic landscape, to risk the unknown..''
[Paul Theroux, The Tao of Travel: Enlightenments from Lives on the Road]
Traveling for me is a new adventure, which enrich the understanding of other people, new cultures. Also travelling gives for me more freedom and joy to find new things in different perspective.
“Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe. ”
[Alan W. Watts]
Technology is our future. Everyday something new is invented, this progress is interesting for me because I care about my future.
Most of new inventions are based to help people and some of them are invented to destroy humanity. This thin line is always worrying me: What's next?